Tale of 2 Mountains by Karas Wines

Kaizen Dale has designed the new wine labels for A Tale of 2 Mountains, a wine label by Karas Wines.

This label incorporates hand-drawn illustrations of Mount Ararat with bold typography as a way to express the warmth of ancient Armenian winemaking tradition with a more modern and accessible appearance (and price), to engage a younger consumer segment.

The white and red labels are identical in design while varying in colour. White wine comes in a sky blue label, reflecting the subtle taste of the dry wine, while terracotta is selected for the red wine, warm and rich in flavour. 


Brand Strategy
Luz Solando 

Creative Direction
Peno Mishoyan

Maneh Hayrapetyan 

Graphic Design
Maneh Hayrapetyan, Hasmik Abelyan and Diana Kupalyan


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